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Summer plans!!

Writer's picture: Glory Glory

Hey everyone! Welcome back to my blog! I just realized that for the past three posts I posted them two days apart, sooo I decided I'd try to keep up the streak and post again today. šŸ¤—

Anyway, today was my last day of school (yayyyyy!!) so I'm excited to be done for the summer and I'm happy that I'll have a ton more time to focus on all my plans for this blog, my brand, and all that good stuff!

So today, I'm going to be giving you an update on some of my goals, and what I plan on working on this summer. :)

  • First off, I plan on posting on here SUPER regularly!! My friend suggested to me that I have a writing day once a week where I write a ton of posts and then publish them for y'all to see during the week. So I might do that so that I can have regular days where you know I'll be posting. (Also, I'd love for you girls to let me know how often you think I should post! I want to post often, but not so often that it's annoying šŸ˜)

  • Another thing is that I'm hoping to do a lot more outfit inspo, especially with things I've made myself. That might include showing DIYs, how I sewed something, thrifting, and redoing items I've gotten from a thrift store!

  • Going along with that, I may start doing videos too!! I'm honestly not really sure what I would talk/vlog about, but it might be something fun to try occasionally. šŸ™‚ If that is something y'all would like to see, let me know! Because I don't think I'll do it unless y'all really want me to šŸ˜‚

  • I'm also going to work on making my site and brand and things look really nice and professional, in order to start working with some brands! My goal is to be able to have brands send me product to review and show y'all, and maybe even get paid for it so that this can all be a way for me to start earning extra money!

  • I would also like to host at least one giveaway this summer! And I know that a few of you don't have Instagram (I don't either lol, so I getchu!) so I will do my best to make sure it is one that wouldn't require that. It will probably just have something to do with getting as many friends as possible to subscribe to the blog, in order to get entires. And I would love to hear your ideas for what product you would like to see given away! Msg me :)

  • Also going along with the goal of the giveaway is a SUPER big goal I thought of when I first started this blog. It's pretty crazy and not realistic at all, but I feel like the bigger and better goals you set, the more likely you are to actually achieve more than if you set small goals! Sooo, my dream would be to have 10,000 subscribers either by next February (the 1 year anniversary of Glo Fashion) or else by the end of the year. That would not only be so amazing to have such a big following of girls that I can reach, but there are also sooo many more collaboration opportunities once you reach that number! lot of work to get there šŸ˜‚

  • Another aspect of the Glo Fashion blog is my tee shop! I'm going to be working on adding a ton of new designs through out the summer, get them on social media, and work with my ambassadors in promoting the tees! Having the ambassador program is already something pretty big and exciting for me, that I would have never thought I'd have when I started this site 3 months ago. So I can't wait to see how that all works out with the girls starting to take pics these next few weeks :)

  • I might get to go to a huge girls fashion and modeling conference with my BFF!!! It would be for a whole week, and there will be girls from all over the world flying in. Lots of great new connections! I don't even know if I'll get to go yet, because I just found out about it, but if I do, I'll tell you all about it :))

  • And one last thing that I can think of that I'm excited about is that I'm going to be doing a ton of photoshoots in July, in a suuupperr pretty location šŸ˜šŸ˜ I think I'm going to wait to reveal where it is, but it's going to be awesome (i'm literally sooo excited). I may even do a vlog series while I'm there, so you can get to be apart of it more!

That's pretty much all the big things I can think of at the moment (aside from just enjoying all things summer!!), so you'll definitely want to stay tuned! If you've enjoyed following me these last three months, or whenever you joined, then I think you'll really love what's coming next.

So excited to get all this up and ready for you girls!

Oh! And one more noteā€“since I am going to be posting way more often, please please please let me know what you'd like to see!! I'd love to know any and every idea you may have :)

It is literally the best thing ever to have y'all reading my blog and following me. Like, I wish we could all just become friends IRL because you are all so supporting and amazing and encourage me to keep on doing what I'm doing :)

Lots of love!!

šŸ’žšŸŒŗ Glory


6 comentaris

YAS! I'd love to see you in some vids! Especially thrifting and shopping!


09 de juny del 2019

Yess!! Do videos and I wouldnā€™t love to see some thrift flips:)))))


07 de juny del 2019

Sure Lizzy! Iā€™ll message you šŸ’›


07 de juny del 2019

@Rayne ok! Good point :) Iā€™m guessing my first video will probably be thrifting, so hopefully I can go soon so I can make it šŸ˜‚


07 de juny del 2019

Hey ! I saw in thisā€™s post that you were doing a fashion modeling kinda thing, could you give me some info on that maybe?? That sounds super awesome I love modeling ā¤ļø


like what you see? then girl, you better subscribe because there's lots more to come! stay tuned for outfit ideas, finding out what's trendy, tips, announcements, and much more!

© 2020 Glo Fashion. Website design and all words are property of Glo Fashion & Glory S. 

Not all photos are mine, so DM for credit or removal.

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