Hey girls! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend :) ☀️💛🌼
I’m sorry I haven’t been posting a ton lately! As usual, I have tons of ideas of things I could post, it’s just a matter of making time to put it together😂
I do kind of enjoy doing these “Sunday OOTD” posts though, because it gives me a chance to not only post some of my outfits, but also chat with y’all a bit and give you some updates! So, before we get into the pics, I’m going to talk a little (more) first :))
♡ - So first of all, in case not all of you knew the reason (one of them at least!) I started this as a blog, it was because I can’t have Instagram yet. What I originally wanted to do was take outfit pics and post outfit inspo on an Instagram account. But, since I couldn’t do that, I decided to do that on a blog instead! Except that these posts end up being wayyy longer than an insta caption 😂 So I will eventually make this an Instagram account when I’m allowed, but I decided to ask you all, my amazing subscribers.... would you rather have more posts more often (shorter, and more like Instagram type posts) OR would you rather have posts less often but with more content? Let me know in the comments or by DMing me! (I absolutely love talking to you girls whenever you message me♡)
♡ - I decided I am going to have another GIVEAWAY!!! I am super excited to be doing another one for y'all, and espcially because I'm choosing what the prize will be ;)) I'm not going to give you all the details now, but I will say that it's probably going to be starting during this next week, and that it won't require Instagram in order to enter! So stay tuned for that, and I hope that you all will enter!!
♡ - One of the reasons I haven't posted recently is because I've been spending a lot of time working on my Hawaii vlog, which I'm pretty sure I'm going to post for y'all! I've been having a lot of fun putting it together :) I'm hoping to have that finished and up within this next week if possible!
♡ - So I mentioned earlier that I have a lot of blog post ideas... but I would really love to know what kinds of things you girls are interested in seeing me post about! Like, what types of occasions/things do you need outfit ideas for? How to wear a certain piece of clothing? A specific brand or product you want to see reviewed? Whatever it is you're interested in, let me know and I will do my best to get something like that out! (Also, if anyone has any back-to-school/beginning of fall requests, definitely tell me those too!)
Ok, well I think that’s all for updates and questions for this post :)) Let’s get into the pics of what I wore today!

That's all for this post! I hope some of you will message me and give me your opinions on the questions I asked, plus don't forget to check back soon for the Hawaii vlog (my first vlog ever!!), the giveaway, and more posts in general! ♡♡♡
Ooh good ideas! I especially like the tee shirt one, I think I’ll try to do something like that soon!! 💛 thanks for sharing!
Hey Glory!! For some post ideas I was wondering if maybe for fall you could do "Trying out cute Pinterest Fall Room Decor." I just feel like it would be such a cool post to read about. Fashion wise, maybe if you did like "Five ways to style a basic tee" I have seen a lot of those videos on YouTube and I feel like it could be a really cool blog post!! Lastly maybe a "Trying fun summer/fall recipies!" Just wanted to share some ideas!!
Oh yeah, that’s a great idea!! I’ll have to see if I can set that up on here 😊 And aww thanks!💕