Hey everyone! Wow, it sure has been a while since I regularly posted on the blog. I've been so busy lately that I just haven't made this a priority!
Ok, I know this post is supposed to be a skincare routine, but I always like to do little updates of my life too so here's a quick one ;)
been super busy with my shop! In case you don't follow me on Instagram, I've been coming out with a ton of new items and designs, posting lots of cute ambassador pics, doing challenges, giveaways, and a lot more. So the social media aspect along with making and shipping orders is definitely pretty time consuming!
I know a lot of people had somewhat of a break from school during the past few months, but I've already been an online homeschooler for the past couple years so if anything I got busier haha! I'm also continuing to do school throughout this summer so I can graduate from high school with a college degree, majoring in business. Unfortunately no real summer break for me lol, but graduating next year will be so worth it :)
Things are slowwwwwly starting to open back up where I live, so that means I'm also a little bit busier because I'm able to actually leave the house now! Not much is back to normal, but church has reopened, I'm able to see some friends, and also I love going out to the country/hills where we have some land and just spending the day out in nature <3
Oops that didn't end up being very short. Anyways, on to the actual point of the post :))
✨ super easy S U M M E R S K I N C A R E routine ✨
So sometimes I go through times where I love doing an elaborate routine, but during summer especially, it's nice to just chill out, make it fast, and do the very basics.
S T E P 1 ~ wash my face with water. During the summer I rarely use any cleanser (unless I wore makeup) because I feel like my face is already clean enough from going swimming all the time lol. (It might be just a theory but I think chlorine actually helps prevent acne?!)
S T E P 2~ moisturizer. Ok, so this is probably the most unique part of my skincare routine. I got this Cool Down/Aloe Vera lotion from SunBum last summer and I've been using it ever since!! It's actually just meant for anywhere you have a sunburn/if you've been in the sun, but it works amazing as a facial moisture. It's not oily, but it's very moisturizing. Plus, if you get sunburned it'll be gone by morning using this stuff!

S T E P 3~ the next step, my Curology formula, isn't something I use everyday. I just have one bottle that I got as a free trial, so I try to only use it when I know I'm going somewhere in a couple days and I want my skin to be super clear.

S T E P 4~ lavender essential oil. Lavender is great for moisturizing, helping with redness, and keeping your skin looking nice. I usually rub a few drops around my face without another carrier oil, because my skin isn't too sensitive. If anyone tries this though, you might want to start with just a little to make sure your skin won't react!

S T E P 5~ tea tree essential oil. I use tea tree whenever I have acne or if I think something is about to pop up! Great for drying out spots.

S T E P 6~ vaseline. Sometimes I switch between Burt's Bees or SunBum chapstick, but during the summer using vaseline as lip balm is nice and easy! I also will sometimes put it on my eyelashes/eyebrows to moisturize and help thicken them.

And that's it! Very basic, but it works for me :)
I'd love to hear in the comments if any of y'all use one of these items, or else what your go-to summer skincare routine is! I always love hearing what other people try :)
Have an amazing day!
love this!! i definitely found out a bunch of helpful info on how to take care of my skin! thanks for sharing💗☀️
@Jaena oh cool! I haven’t heard of that brand but I’ll definitely have to check it out!🤗
Omg I love this!! I’m just starting to get into skincare because I really want to start taking care of my skin 🤪 I’ve been using the brand Florence by Mills, and honestly it’s helped so much especially with my sensitive skin but I definitely want to check out some of your products!! 💕